Next, we'd like to thank our Brothers in Christ from Heart of a Sportsman who provided over 5000 video's of The Record Book that were given out during the show. Each famous hunter gives his testimony while putting on a great hunt.
It was a tough race, there was a lot of traffic that we had to negotiate, but we stayed off the wall and were able to give out the video's, tracts which lead people to Christ and a nice muzzleloader to a lucky winner from Wilksboro.
Our booth was busy from start to end. Some wanted a video, some wanted to register for the gun and others to talk about who we are and what we do. What was most encouraging was that many people gladly accepted the tracts, even after reading them and knowing that it was about salvation. God surely touched their hearts to listen to his message. We just showed up as the pit crew to help with the race.
Also, there were plenty of distractions that I'll put in for the hunters to salivate over.
All in all it was a successful show and we hope that the Angels rejoiced in heaven that new souls were saved.
Here is a picture of the winner. His name is withheld for privacy reasons, but he was a happy camper.
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